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Am I a Good Candidate for Kyphoplasty?

Jul 17, 2024
Am I a Good Candidate for Kyphoplasty?
Experiencing severe back pain from a vertebral compression fracture can drastically impact your daily life and overall well-being. Kyphoplasty, a minimally invasive procedure, provides an effective solution.

Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure designed to treat painful vertebral compression fractures in the spine. Osteoporosis is the most common cause of spinal fractures, and when they occur, they can lead to severe pain, reduced mobility, and decreased quality of life. 

When chronic back pain impacts your daily life, it’s time to discuss treatment options. Our specialists at Third Coast Vascular specialize in kyphoplasty, which effectively treats partial or full vertebral collapse. 

If you’re experiencing back pain and have been diagnosed with a compression fracture, kyphoplasty may be the right option for you. 

How does kyphoplasty treat spinal fractures?

The goal of kyphoplasty is to restore spinal height, and stabilize the fractured vertebra, which provides much needed pain relief. It involves inserting a balloon-like device into the fractured vertebra and inflating it to create a space. 

This space is then filled with a special medical bone cement to stabilize the vertebra and relieve pain. The procedure typically takes about an hour per vertebra and is usually performed on an outpatient basis, allowing for quick recovery and return to normal activities.

Am I a candidate for kyphoplasty?

Kyphoplasty is most commonly indicated for individuals who have vertebral compression fractures due to osteoporosis. However, it can also be considered for fractures resulting from other conditions. The primary goal of kyphoplasty is to relieve pain that hasn’t responded to conservative treatments, pain medications, or physical therapy.

Symptoms and diagnosis

To determine if you’re a good candidate for kyphoplasty, your Third Coast Vascular provider will perform a thorough evaluation and medical history. Common symptoms of vertebral compression fractures include sudden onset of back pain, pain that worsens with movement, and a reduction in height. We use diagnostic tests such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scans to confirm that you have a fracture and assess its severity.

When to consider kyphoplasty

You might be a good candidate for kyphoplasty if you experience the following:

Severe back pain

If your back pain is severe and debilitating, and it hasn’t improved with conservative treatments, kyphoplasty might provide major relief.

Recent fractures

Kyphoplasty is most effective when performed within eight weeks of the fracture occurrence. The sooner the procedure is done after the fracture, the better the outcomes tend to be.

Functional limitations

If the pain from the fracture is limiting your ability to perform daily activities and affecting your quality of life, kyphoplasty can help restore your function and mobility.

Non-responsive to other treatments

If you’ve tried other treatments, such as pain medications, physical therapy, or bracing, without adequate relief, kyphoplasty may be a suitable next step.

Conditions affecting candidacy

Certain conditions might affect your eligibility for kyphoplasty. For example, if you have an active infection in your spine or a bleeding disorder, you may not be a good candidate for the procedure. 

Additionally, fractures that are old or have healed partially may not benefit as much from kyphoplasty. Our team conducts a comprehensive evaluation to ensure that kyphoplasty is a safe and appropriate option for you.

Getting relief from compression fracture pain

Many patients experience immediate pain relief following the kyphoplasty procedure, along with improved mobility, and this can significantly improve your quality of life. 

If you’re dealing with severe back pain and think you might be a good candidate for kyphoplasty, consult with one of our providers here at Third Coast Vascular to discuss your symptoms, and determine the best course of action for your condition. Contact our office today to setup a consultation.